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2018-2019 Syllabus:

Band Syllabus 2018-2019.pdf

1st Semester Learning Goals:

The primary focus for 1st semester is marching band. We will work towards developing skills to improve marching and pep band fundamentals. This will include both musical objectives such as rhythm and timbre, as well as marching techniques like roll step and calls. Students will have the opportunity to perform as a marching band in various community parades. They will also perform field shows at each home football game. Pep music will be played at assemblies, in the stands at games, and at other events.


2nd Semester Learning Goals:

The primary focus for 2nd semester is concert band. We will be working towards performing the Spring Concert. Various musical selections will be rehearsed as full band and in sectionals. Students will opportunity to be nominated for Honor Band in March. Students will also have the opportunity to develop solo and small group skills through participation in solo and ensemble contest in March. Many solo opportunities are available during the spring semester as well, including performances at the North Mac Foundation Dinner and events at local churches and community events. 



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